Generate an image with our NFT AI generator
Visit and let the AI, either "Stable Diffusion" or "DALL-E Mini", generate an image of your choice. From the words you enter in the empty field, the AI generates a unique image. You can see examples from other participants by clicking on Gallery in the upper right corner.
Then you can download the image and save it locally.
- Install MetaMask. Here you can find the instructions.
This wallet is necessary to have your NFTs with you at all times and to be able to use them in Web3. Please note that you are responsible for your wallet and use it at your own risk. Keep the private key or seed phrase in a safe place. If you lose this password, you will lose all the contents of the wallet.
- Link MetaMask with Opensea and mint your NFT
At the NFT platform Opensea you have to link your MetaMask with your account, then a new profile will be created automatically.
Then you can mine your image as NFT by clicking on "Create" in the upper right corner. Upload the image and fill in the two mandatory fields ("Title" and "Blockchain: Polygon"). Then click on "Create", confirm the operation in MetaMask and thus create the NFT.
- Log in/register at Spatial and visit our gallery
After registration, connect your MetaMask to your Spatial account. Visit our room, there you can upload your NFT into a prepared picture frame. Select "NFT" and "Polygon", then your NFT should appear there.
Important: The upload is only possible on Friday, September 23, from 10 to 11 am.
- Log in/register on Discord
Visit the Metaverse Academy channel on Discord. There, all NFTs made by the participants are automatically listed. Look at them and decide which is your winning image. You can choose your favorite by marking the corresponding picture with "thumbs up" ?. One vote per person.
The image with the most votes wins a participation in a Metaverse Academy training course.